Wednesday, January 2, 2008

UCLA's new coach

Well I see, while USC is handily defeating Illinois, that our erstwhile rival UCLA has hired Rick Neuheisel as their new coach. This is just the latest in a series of unfortunate decisions by the Bruins. First, they fired Karl Dorell, an apparently stand up guy. Then, they went and hired a less than stand up guy in the form of Neuheisel. I got to the University of Colorado right after Neuheisel bailed, leaving behind enough secondary NCAA violations to put CU on suspension for two years. He also left behind a class of recruits whose parents he had just assured that he would be at CU to coach their kids. No surprise that he left the University of Washington under and ethics cloud. The LA Times has details. The main point is that Neuheisel is a less than inspiring leader and a poor role model. Contrast that with Pete Carroll, who regularly goes out into the rougher parts of LA to chat with young men facing hard times, sending a message that somebody important cares about them. Contrast that with Pete Carroll, who takes a mentally challenged, desperately poor young man under his wing, making him the special assistant to the head coach. Long story short: USC will continue to steamroll UCLA for years to come.