Thursday, December 6, 2007

New York Times: CIA Destroyed Harsh Treatment Tapes

If I hear another political leader in this Administration claim that the "U.S. does not use torture" somebody ought to beat them with this article. Of course, if the US is to maintain its position in the world, it should not torture, but that hasn't stop Bush and his cohort. Here's the kicker:

General Hayden’s statement said that the tapes posed a “serious security risk,” and that if they were to become public they would have exposed C.I.A. officials “and their families to retaliation from Al Qaeda and its sympathizers.”
If we don't torture, if we play by the rules and avoid harsh and degrading treatment, then why would CIA operatives be at risk for attack? It seems simple to me: the CIA has used torture, and the US has soiled itself. Thank you George W. Bush - worst president ever.

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